
Ready to roll!!!

Hi folks! Long time no see, eh?
It's been a fun month to follow, with plenty of rumors to speculate on.
We choose to not give them too much space because..well, you know....we had twenty years of rumors (yes, the first GB3 rumblings were in 1998, Chris Farley era) who never materialized, so it's better to stick to official confirmations.

In these days we heard rumors of casting breakdonws and for a supposed main production start date; finally, on Monday 18th, Jason Reitman appeared at the Bill Burr's Monday Morning Podcast,  speaking of the project for the first time since last January. The Ghostbusters part starts at 59:00, but these are the highlihts:

"Honestly, the crazy thing is we have no time. I--we--so I wrote the film in secret with my writing partner Gil Kenan. We wrote it over the last year while we were finishing up "(The) Front Runner". And we turned it in in December. And I have to admit my presumption was it was going to be any other studio film I heard about where there's years of rewrites and they grind it into the ground and it never happens. I was kind of fully prepared for this year to be a little taking time off and doing rewrites on Ghostbusters and instead the studio read the first draft and said 'Yeah, go make it.'

This is going to be a love letter to Ghostbusters. I love this franchise. I grew up watching it. I consider myself the first Ghostbusters fan. I was like 7 years old when that movie came out and, uh, love it and I want to make a movie for my fellow Ghostbusters fans. So it's a 100% love letter.

Like we just did this teaser for it that we launched when we announced it. And even in that we went back to the work files for the sound of the Proton Pack and we went back to the stems of Elmer Bernstein's score. Uh, for just for when it says at the end of the teaser, it's says like Summer 2020. We went back and found the original physical vinyl letters they used to make the Ghostbusters poster in 1984, rescanned them, then, uh, our titles guys reprinted them and we filmed the titles, not like in a computer, we shot physical titles with light and smoke effect because that's how they would have done it back in the say so we are in every way trying to go back to the original technique and make a -- hand the movie back to the fans"

Wow. Sony must be impressed if they greenlighted it after reading the first draft. Surely, Jason and Gil worked on it for the best part of the year, but we all remember how many years took to the Ghostbusters Alive Again script to be tossed around and discarded, right? 
It's also reassuring to hear how Jason is focused on maintain the first movies tone, feel and atmophere. The teaser was a good hint but this is a nice big juicy confirmation. The production will be followed by production designer  François Audouy (who recently posted a nice landscap on his Instagram account) 

After that interview, another nice update surfaced. We waited for an update like this since the Ghostbusters came out of the Museum covered in slime.

Production Weekly tweeted that the yet untitled Ghostbusters sequel will start his 15 week of shooting in Calgary on June 25th wrapping around October, 8th.

It's not clear if Calgary, Canada, will be doubling for New York or if it will be a brand new city. His skyline could be exchanged for the NY's one so we'll see!

Ulterior confirmation comes from Damian Petti, head of the film workers union IATSE 212, albeith a little conflitting. 

That's all, folks. We'll keep you updated as soon as possible. 
Keep fingers crossed for casting announcement!

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