
One in the can, ready to go!

Geez, time fly so fast!

It seems yesterday that we reported the news about Jason Reitman saving this franchise from ethernal development hell....and now here we are, ten months later, celebrating the wrapping of principal production.

A production that has been...strange.

In this time and age, we're used to every sort of leaking from the sets. Pics showing costumes, videos recapping the kind of action going on. We arrive at the première knowing almost everything.
Well, Ghostbusters 3 / Ghostbusters 2020 has been a whole different kind of beast.

We must admit: our policy was to NEVER report spoilerish images, but only official statements from Jason Reitman, Ghost Corps or Sony.
Those were far and few.

Sure, some videos and photos leaked from the set of exterior shooting. We all saw the rusty Ecto-1 roaming the street once again. Time and time again. Plenty of that. Go browse Google and you'll see by yourself. There were some pics of the buildings: surely Summerville has some connection with a certain moldy Sumerian god.

But nothing more. When shooting switched to interiors, we never ever saw anything Ghostbusters related.

Jason promised a gift to discover little by little and, sure like ice is cold, he manintained his promise.
But this doesn't mean that the director secluded himself in captivity; sometimes he took to Instagram and posted some nice pics from the set. 
Pics that we're going to show, with them being official. 

Let's start from the beginning, when the start date was looming near.
Reitman Jr. asked if we were ready to get rolling.

Well, after 30 years of waiting we didn't had to think about the answer. 
In fact, there wasn't the time to answer that he published the very first image of the movie's core cast: 

Look at Ivan's smile. That is the smile of a man who followed this project for years and survived enough to see it come to fruition and becoming a true family affair.

Everyone can make a joke about how Feig tried to snatch the franchise under his nose but miserably failed. 

"I'd like to make another one, if anybody wants it". Yes, Paul. Yes.
After that: a poleRodrigo, holding a giant ciakEric Steelberg and another member of the crew sipping coffeea stop signal dripping with goo (original recipe, reassured Jason), Mike of the SFX department with a little smokeSteelberg alone in a fielda celebration on the wrap on week 5a look at Sam GripsCraig Camera sleepingmonsieur Audouy moving a set piecea nice touch of yellow on a piece of wooda pretty insight on a Camera plota glimpse of the good old Ecto-1some mud, a really strange symbol and perhaps the most interesting of all the pics since the Family's one, a glimpse of the Tobin Spirit Guide. It was never seen on the movies, only mentioned. The crew having fun on a night shootAlexis of the costumed department having fun with snowthe locations' Crew with their shirts and, finally, the core cast plus Kim Logan, Jason and Ivan pose for the "that's a wrap!!" photo.

It's me or Ivan, Jason and Grace have the misty eyes?
We only had a little insight from a François Audouy interview where he briefly speaks about his work on the GB movie but, a part from that, absolutely nothing emerged from the sets. Albeit the original has been rumored to be part of the movie we never saw them in costume.

The only hint has been the 35th anniversary projection's intro by the main cast, in what seems to be a soundstage dressed as a mine and with the most notably detail being Murray and Aykroyd's hair being dyed and Sigourney's hair being very Dana-ish (you can watch the clip here). 

One of the things that emerged from this production, if you follow Grace McKennaFinn WolfhardLogan KimCeleste O'Connor and all the crew members Instagram profiles, is how much they loved working on it.
How much they bonded.
How much they enjoyed the time spent together on and off set. 

Call me nut, but this pic has Extreme Ghostbusters' vibes.
They had a cool wrap party, but if you look at their pics, you'll see that every moment spent together was a huge gift.

And, to us, this is one of the most genuine indicator of the movie's being incredibly heartfelt.
A movie born from Jason's heart, refined by Gil and Jason's brains, approved by Ivan's (and, we hope, Sony) wisdom, nurtured by the emotions, the skills, the passion of everyone involved in it.

Now we're left to ride towards the official trailer's release (Christmas? Halloween? Super Bowl? You can bet on it), let's enjoy the taste left in our mouth by these months of spoiler void. 

It's the taste of the love's labour of a family, both real and fictional.

Keep bustin' folks. 

PS: just two days ago, the ever elusive Murray confirmed it's involvement in the most unorthodox way: to an italian news outlet, during the Rome Film Festival, were he retired a Career Achievement Prize.
I was there and I must say that to hear him saying these long awaited words.....I was excited beyond the capacity of rational thought.

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